
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More Mixed Media Zentangle/Doodles in Circles

Here are some more examples of Zentangles in circles.
Here is another zentangle and doodles in circles painting, this time I used a freshwater fish theme.

The frogs are markers and colored pencils on construction paper.
I had a lot of fun with the circles, I hope you try it out.

Mixed Media Zentangle/Doodles in Circles

To try something new (to me) I decided to use circles to put my patterns in.
I started with 9x12 watercolor paper. I used a plate and a bowl for the large circles, a cd for the medium circles and a jar lid for the small circles.
I filled in the background with blue and green watercolor and orange and yellows watercolor for the circle. I spilled blue on the painting, I decided to just work around it.
I thought the large circle was too big for one pattern, so I broke it up with a design that connected the circles. Then I put a dragon tail behind the design.

I filled in the designs I started with watercolor pencils.
I filled in the background on the large circle with black ink.
Using a black ink gel pen I inked in more patterns, including a dragon wing to go with my dragon tail.
I shaded in my patterns using colored pencils and put highlights on my center design using a white watercolor crayon.
I filled in the background with little circles and abstract designs.

I used watercolor crayons to lighten what was too dark and markers to add color and shading to everything that needed it.